Hello there, fellow Furtherite! Hmmm … not sure if that’s a good way to refer to you, but I’ll try most things at least once.
First off, you’ll notice that Further has a new logo, and also a brand new site design that you can take a look at — here’s the new home page.
Many thanks to the uber-talented Rafal Tomal for the new look. And there’s more to come related to the change in logo and the symbolism of the phoenix, so stay tuned.
But for now, let’s get to this week’s selections. We’re talking about key habits that extend your life, the serious problem of sleep deprivation, an essay on how our content consumption habits can damage us (Further is trying to help with that), how to dramatically change your personality, and much more.
And if you’re digging the content and loving the new look, maybe recommend Further to a friend? It’s greatly appreciated.
Keep going-
Brian Clark
further: resources
Habitual Longevity
British researchers studied more than 600,000 patient histories and figured out exactly how much extra time good habits can add to your life. Some are obvious, others not as much.
These 7 Habits Literally Add Years to Your Life, According to Science
Comfort Food
If you Google “emotional eating,” most of the hits are about ways to “stop” or “overcome” it. Pennsylvania psychologist Dr. Pavel Somov instead suggests that eating can actually be a very healthful means of coping when we use it the right way.
How to Get the Most Out of Emotional Eating
Dream Police
A paper published in August called Dreamless: The Silent Epidemic of REM, makes two primary arguments. One, modern humans are deprived of dreams. Two, this is not only sad from a existential perspective, it’s also a public health crisis.
We’re in a ‘Dream Deprivation’ Epidemic
Voyage Abordable
France can be a notoriously expensive vacation destination — particularly if you have got your sights set on Paris or the French Riviera. Are luxury seekers on a limited budget out of luck? Nope.
How to Have an Affordable Luxury Trip to France
Click Bait Costs
It costs nothing to click, respond, and retweet. But what price do we pay in our relationships and our peace of mind? This is why I hope people look to trusted human curators rather than algorithms for the good stuff.
Does Each Click of Attention Cost a Bit of Ourselves?
Play Date
Putting off play until your work is done is a recipe for unhappiness and low productivity, a new study finds. Instead, reversing the usual order of things actually makes us just as happy and perhaps also more productive.
How to Be More Productive: Play First, Work Later
Hustle and Flow
If you want to know how to build something beautiful — something with craftsmanship, something you’re proud of, something that lasts, and yes, something that’s highly profitable — the reality is that takes time. And it’s time worth spending.
When More “Hustle” Isn’t the Answer
Project New You
Dr. Brian Little’s personality research is at the foundation of Further, especially the personal projects that help us become the next version of ourselves. This piece is about his new book, entitled Who Are You, Really? Purchased, thoughts soon.
How to Override Your Own Personality
The Decision
When you really want to achieve something important, you have two choices. What’s easy, convenient, and what others want you to do. Or, what you know you need to do for yourself.
The 2 Choices Everyone Working On Themselves Is Faced With
Good Enough?
Related to the previous article, at what do you want to attain excellence? For most things, “good enough” is just fine. But not for that one thing.
The Seductive Path of Being Good Enough
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