The news lately has been grim, so it’s my pleasure to share some good news: According to the New York Times, Gen X women are having the best sex. (Guys, don’t feel bad; you’re likely enjoying the fruits of us “grown-ass women leading their best lives” — not my description… Netflix’s.)
This isn’t actually news to Further readers. I’ve written about sex as self-care before and revealed this fun fact: our generation is more sexually adventurous and satisfied than our younger counterparts. Now, let’s go a little deeper into the age-related implications writer Mireille Silcoff uncovered in her NYT piece:
A whole new cultural type seems to have landed. It feels worlds away from the traditional view of older women’s sexuality — which, if you look at the lion’s share of studies, you would conclude is incredibly depressing.
Good thing traditional views have never been our generation’s forte. From the boardroom to the bedroom, we’ve been repeatedly told we’ll never get what we desire and deserve (ahem, retirement… another favorite Further topic).
Sex is just one more arena that reminds us of the importance of thinking outside the box.
The Pleasure Principle
How you perceive the world is integral to how you experience life. As Dr. Ruth Westheimer once said:
When it comes to sex, the most important six inches are those between the ears.
The old way of thinking about not just sexuality but all aspects of getting older was pretty negative, as Silcoff points out:
Until the late 20th century, academic studies of aging women were dominated by what sociologists call the “misery perspective,” which emphasizes how people’s lives get worse as they age, burdened by factors like chronic illness and financial distress.
Since then, there’s been a rise in something called “critical gerontology,” which bucks that outdated trend by focusing on all the good things that come with growing older. And that includes having no more you-know-what’s to give in all realms, including sex. Beyond the anecdotal and artistic evidence (films, books), studies show that middle-aged and older women are more open to experimenting and getting their needs met.
X-Rated Material
There are some simple and intuitive reasons why our generation is enjoying sexual dominance. Psychologist and author of Generations, Jean Twenge, notes that we may have “dodged a bullet” by having formed our sexual habits before the 21st century’s 24/7 screen culture sucked up our attention, connection, and libido. Her research backs up that assertion, revealing a much lesser dip in sexual frequency vs. other generations.
As Twenge told Silcoff:
“You can even make the statement,” Twenge said, “that Gen X is the last sexy generation.”
Provocative, sure. But the naked truth is that as latchkey kids, we learned from a young age that we hold the keys to our own lives. As Silcoff points out:
When life’s milestones are moved around, new opportunities are created.
And that’s the sexiest way I know to reframe where we are and what lays ahead.
Why Gen X Women Are Having the Best Sex (New York Times gift article)