The whole point of Further is to provide you with the science-backed resources to help you become your best self. This week’s selections, however, provide a definitive theme that encourages you to seriously strive for a better version of you.
Both modern neuroscience and ancient wisdom tell us that our sense of self is an illusion. In reality, what we think of as “self” is really a story we’ve strung together over time.
Most importantly, that means the story of who we are can change. Change for the better, certainly — but it can also lead to change for the worse.
- Ryan Holiday warns against telling ourselves a story that attributes our success to things other than hard work and a healthy dose of luck. This keeps you on pace to reach the next level, instead of allowing your ego to sabotage the next project.
- We also have a Psychology Today piece about changing your sense of identity, or effectively rewriting your story. This allows you to avoid an “accidental identity” and instead develop a true sense of who you want to be.
- And then we’ll hear from author and research scientist Emma Seppala. While we all strive to be successful, or “good at” our work, parenting, athletics, video gaming, etc., Emma says that perhaps we should simply strive to become a wonderful person.
That plus 7 additional resources for becoming your best self. Feel free to hit reply and tell me what you think.
Keep going-
Brian Clark
further: top ten
Burn Fat Without Exercise?
While the “rules” of fat loss and crushing calories are not overly complex, there’s a reason why the number of overweight people continues to swell. And it’s not about how much you exercise (although it is about movement).
Want to Burn More Calories? Add This to Your Fat Loss Plan
Hold the Canola
My wife called this one years ago. A new study in the journal Scientific Reports links canola oil consumption to memory deterioration, degenerative learning ability, and weight gain in mice. Better to stick with olive or avocado oil.
Study Reveals Canola Oil Is Bad for the Brain
Natural Sleep
At night, I fall asleep in my house on the Colorado Front Range while listening to the calming waves of the Pacific Ocean … coming through my Sonos. Seems I’m not alone, and scientists are slowly understanding why listening to recorded sounds of nature works when it comes to falling asleep.
Safe Travels
I originally clicked over to this article out of curiosity, and then realized that most of the places on my short list to visit are also some of the safest places in the world. In case you’re wondering, the United States is not on the list.
The Safest Countries in the World
Make or Manage (Not Both)
What we can learn from reading about the schedules of people we admire is not what time to set our alarms or how many cups of coffee to drink, but that different types of work require different types of schedules.
Maker vs. Manager: How Your Schedule Can Make or Break You
Sucker’s Story
The founding of a company, making money in the market, or building a career are messy things. Reducing it to a narrative retroactively creates a clarity that wasn’t and never will be there.
How To Change The Story In Your Head That’s Stopping You From Succeeding
Fluid Identity
We all have to realize and embrace that identity is the furthest thing from being fixed. A person can come to be who they want to be by changing their actions at any given moment.
Changing Your Sense of Identity
It’s a Wonderful Life
Research shows us that we will gain only momentary bursts of joy from all the pleasures we are seeking in life, from sex to money. The long-lasting fulfillment we seek comes from living a life of purpose, of meaning, of compassion, and of altruism.
The Simple Guide to Becoming the Most Wonderful Version of Yourself
Give to Get (Happy)
For centuries, spiritual leaders and philosophers have viewed generosity as the key to happiness. Now, the link between happiness and generosity is no longer just a theory. A University of Zurich study offers scientific proof that generous behavior can give you a happier life.
Study Shows Generous Behavior Leads to Increased Happiness
Eternal Sunshine of the Implanted Mind
What if the secret to eternal happiness is a brain implant? At the Society for Neuroscience annual conference earlier this month, two teams demonstrated parts of a new technology that may one day take us there.
Neuroscience Could Bring Us Eternal Bliss, But Is That a Good Thing?
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