Howdy, and welcome to this week’s Further!
Here’s a sampling of what’s to follow:
- A killer body weight workout
- The health benefits of hot sauce
- 15 counter-intuitive productivity tips
- How to alleviate work stress
- Cultivating true self-awareness
Plus five more resources for leveling up your life. Oh, and to amuse myself, all the subheads in this issue are song titles. If you can name every artist without Googling, you’re a very stable genius.
Keep going-
Brian Clark
further: top ten
The Weight
I’m debating whether to give weightlifting one more shot (I never seem to stick with it). But I have been doing simple body weight exercises, and was a bit surprised when I came across this “primal” (whatever) workout that is exactly my routine. Apparently I may never need the weights again.
Master the Primal Essential Movements
Too Much Sugar
You get it, sugar is bad … and yet, delicious. If you’re afflicted with a sweet tooth, eating these foods can help curb the urge. Also, the original subhead for this one was “Scrape Some Sugar Off Me.” Yeah, that would have been bad.
19 Foods That Can Fight Sugar Cravings
I knew that cayenne peppers have health benefits, but it’s new news to me that all hot sauce has an upside. Turns out the common goodness is capsaicin, an active component of chili peppers. This validates my Cholula and Ninja Squirrel Sriracha addictions.
Using Hot Sauce Is a Really Easy Way to Improve Your Diet, Say Experts
On the Road Again
Ah, the road trip — where you further your personal growth by going farther. That one was for you, fellow grammar nerds.
10 of the World’s Most Breathtaking Road Trips
Get Your Groove On
I usually hate productivity advice, given that we often put things off because we’re subconsciously not quite ready to do it. These tips, however, are counterintuitive to traditional advice, and are really aimed at putting you in the proper position for productivity. Yay alliteration!
15 Habits That Will Totally Transform Your Productivity
No Fun
“Imagine that work had taken over the world. It would be the center around which the rest of life turned. Then all else would come to be subservient to work.” A nightmarish future scenario, or the way things have already become? Serious food for thought.
If Work Dominated Your Every Moment Would Life Be Worth Living?
Stressed Out
Not just simple — stupidly simple ways to be less stressed about work. No, quitting is not on the list, but that would definitely be stupidly simple. And probably just stupid.
4 Stupidly Simple Habit Changes To Lower Your Work Stress This Year
Makin’ It
As Albert Einstein once said: “The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.” When it comes to creativity, that’s correct, although knowledge is mighty handy when it comes to making connections between seemingly unrelated things. So don’t think you can just stare out the window.
The Secret to Creativity – According to Science
Gimme Some Truth
Developing true self-awareness can be initially uncomfortable, but it’s better than the long-term unhappiness that comes with plodding along without a clue. Research suggests that when we see ourselves clearly, we are more confident, more creative, make sounder decisions, build stronger relationships, and communicate more effectively.
What Self-Awareness Really Is (and How to Cultivate It)
Angry Chair
“A real man doesn’t give way to anger and discontent, and such a person has strength, courage, and endurance — unlike the angry and complaining. The nearer a man comes to a calm mind, the closer he is to strength.” ~ Marcus Aurelius (“Women too.” ~ Brian)
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