¡Hola desde Barcelona!
If one thing this trip to Spain has established, it’s that my Spanish is worse than I thought. I even had to use Google Translate to recall what the “from” in “Hello from Barcelona” was.
Otherwise, things are wonderful here. I got past the obligatory two days of jet lag, which was made even more surreal by Trump’s battle with the NFL. Ridiculous.
I’ve definitely been wandering the city, which is amazing. But since I’m staying right on the Mediterranean coast, I’m also just hanging at the beach and pool, doing a lot of reading.
The Picasso Museum was great, but I haven’t yet hit all the must-see spots. Tomorrow will be Antoni Gaudí day, with both Park Güell and Sagrada Família on the agenda (crowds permitting).
I’ll be posting photos of both on Instagram, so follow along with me. By the next issue of Further, I’ll be over half a century old. 🙂
Hope you enjoy the links. Until next time … ¡Adios!
Keep going-
Brian Clark
further: resources
Poison Pill
Last week included an article about how junky processed foods are killing us. This week, we get a counterintuitive approach to improving our diets, which doesn’t totally try to eliminate processed food.
The Cure for Obesity Is Processed Food: When the Poison is the Antidote
Sleep On It
Getting enough quality sleep is one of my biggest challenges. If I’m going to make it another half century, I need to make it a top priority. You too.
The Shorter Your Sleep, the Shorter Your Life: The New Sleep Science
Move to Learn
We know that exercise benefits the brain, with high-intensity workouts possibly even growing new brain cells. New research takes it a bit further by having people engage in moderate exercise while they learn. In fact, exercise itself is a learning activity.
Venn Longevity
The Japanese concept of Ikigai translates to “a reason to live,” and it’s the intersection of four vital questions. Get your personal Venn diagram right, and you could live a long, happy life.
The Concept of Ikigai Could be the Secret to a Long, Meaningful Life
Virgin Success
If you want to summarize the habits of successful people into one phrase, it’s this: successful people start before they feel ready. This article uses the example of Sir Richard Branson to illustrate the simplicity of the point.
Habits of Successful People: Start Before You Feel Ready
Stress Test
Instead of letting stress weigh you down, one positive psychology expert says embracing it as a side effect of challenging yourself can actually be great for your career. Being concerned (while remaining optimistic) may help the brain expand and amp up your productivity levels.
How Stress Can Actually Lead To More Success In Your Work Life
Action Jackson
Action precedes motivation, but conventional wisdom suggests the exact opposite. We are supposed to first get motivated and then take action. Let’s flip the script.
Forget About Inspiration. This Is the Real Key to Getting Motivated
Internet of Bad Things
You can either start you day with junk food for the brain (the internet, distracting apps) or you can start the day with healthy food for the brain (reading, meditation, journaling, exercising). Which way you choose may influence the outcome of your life efforts.
Starting Your Day on the Internet Is Damaging Your Brain
Happy Trails
As Leonardo da Vinci is claimed to have said, “An average human looks without seeing, listens without hearing, touches without feeling, eats without tasting, moves without physical awareness, inhales without awareness of odor or fragrance, and talks without thinking.” Maybe that’s not what leads to happiness?
How to Find Happiness Where You Least Expect It
Hope Springs Eternal
Let’s face it — the world seems pretty messed up right now, maybe even hopeless. Reading this letter from a middle school teacher in Maryland to his second-grade daughter may change your perspective on things for the better.
This Critical Thinker’s Letter to His Daughter Will Restore Your Hope For The Future
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